Many years of experience, a reliable team of 50+ engineers and architects, and more than 6GW designed and engineered projects, Studio Tecnico BFP is your worldwide qualified partner for all your engineering & consultancy needs.

Who we are

Studio Tecnico BFP is the group’s founding company, offering worldwide engineering & consultancy services in a broad range of sectors including civil and industrial engineering, renewable energy, oil & gas.

Studio Tecnico BFP is also active in the public sector and has a specialised team dedicated to public sector bidding. The team works in close collaboration with a reliable network of partner companies.

Professionalism, timely results, technical expertise and utmost care for the environment are the defining features of this young, innovative and fast-growing engineering firm.

More years experience, a strong portfolio of clients, 6GW+ of successfully completed projects and worldwide experience in all continents  make BFP the perfect partner for investors seeking reliability and professionalism.

What we do

Studio Tecnico BFP offers a wide range of specialised engineering and consultancy services, guiding clients and investors through the entire development process, from start to finish.

Services include but are not limited to: feasibility studies, technical and administrative due diligence, productivity studies and optimisation, owner’s engineering, preliminary and final designs, project management, site management, final testing and commissioning and more.

Studio Tecnico BFP guarantees a skill set that ensures the integrated management of all design, construction and operation processes.

Our versatile and professional engineers are thus able to handle and solve all problems associated with the development, construction and operational management of large-scale and complex projects all over the world.

How we do it

Studio Tecnico BFP manages all operations from its head office in Bari, in the south of Italy, supported by a team of 50+ highly qualified engineers and architects.

In 2012 and 2013, Studio Tecnico BFP opened up two new offices in Morocco (BFP Maghreb) and in Turkey (BFP Enerji), exporting its services to emerging markets, backed by the support of a local presence.

In 2019 BFP founded Studio Tecnico BFP Srl, SUCURSAL EN ESPAÑA in Spain.

Similarly, in recent years BFP has equipped its offices in Bari with improved technology and resources to offer efficient, fast and reliable services to investors and developers all over the globe.

Furthermore, testifying to the reliability of its services, Studio Tecnico BFP holds UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management certification, UNI EN ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management certification (issued by Certiquality on 22/12/2011), and OHSAS 18001:2007 Workplace Health & Safety certification.

To work with dedication, invest in valuable resources, use the latest technology and software, apply the most up-to-date techniques, secure the best results and guarantee client satisfaction.

That’s our mission.

A world of experience

Hands-on experience, expert knowledge, real results, and the Megawatts to prove it.

In the last ten years, Studio Tecnico BFP has steadily earnt the trust and respect of a strong and diverse portfolio of clients, which is continuing to grow.

Investors, funds, developers, EPC contractors, partner engineering firms and public authorities place their trust in Studio Tecnico BFP, an experienced engineering and consultancy firm that offers all the assurances of the major players, with a distinctly personal touch.

Studio Tecnico BFP’s strength lies not only in its wealth of consolidated expertise acquired through the design and implementation of more than 1GW in renewable energy systems in Europe, Africa, America, Asia and the middle-east, but also in its strategic diversification: wind, PV, biomass, hydroelectric, but also in more traditional sectors such as oil & gas, civil and electrical engineering, energy-efficient buildings, public sector bidding, and the list goes on.

A dynamic, flexible and “energetic” company, committed to continuous growth and high-quality services.

Photos below: Wind Farm “San Giovanni” 20MW, Salandra e Ferrandina (MT) Italy, and PV Plant “Egmanton” 14MWp, UK.

SAN GIOVANNI - Garaguso (2) EGMANTON - UK (1)

Engineering services in detail

01 / Design & Authorisation

02 / Due Diligence

03 / PR Assessments

04 / Owner’s Engineering

05 / Project Management

06 / Direction of Works

07 / Site Management

08 / H&S Coordination

09 / Testing & Commissioning

10 / Energy Efficient Buildings

11 / Civil & Industrial Works

12 / Public Sector Bidding

Skill, versatility, innovation.

Placing our experience at the service of the greater public.

Securing a renewable future for generations to come.

Studio Tecnico BFP in the public sector

Studio Tecnico BFP has created a public sector bidding team dedicated to identifying tenders, evaluating their feasibility, managing and following their status, writing and delivering bids, meeting deadlines and following up on supplementary requests and outcomes.

Public bidding is a very complex task that needs to be managed by the highest qualified technical and sales professionals to ensure all nuances of the bidding process are properly satisfied.

In recent years, Studio Tecnico BFP has worked on numerous public tenders in close collaboration with experienced partners, developing a sound knowledge of the basic principles of EU procurement, scoring and weighting mechanisms for best leveraging of the evaluation process, and well-structured answers to ensure maximum scores.

Studio Tecnico BFP strives to meet the needs and requirements of the buyer and understands the importance of liaising with various stakeholders, identifying budgets and responsibilities, preparing formal bid documentation, meeting bid deadlines and presenting fluid proposals.

BFP regularly cooperates with a number of high-profile firms in the public sector, placing our expertise in the renewable sector at the service of the greater community.


+39 080 5046361
Via Napoli 363/I – 70132 Bari (BA) – ITALY

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