BFP multidisciplinary team is composed of electrical, structural, civil, environmental and mechanical Senior engineers who carry out all engineering process from Preliminary to Basic and Detailed Engineering for renewable power plants and electrical systems (HV, MV, LV)

BFP offers a complete range of engineering and consultancy services in the Renewable Energy sector, exporting its many years of experience acquired in Italy to Europe, the Middle East, Africa, America, Asia and beyond.

Design & Authorisation

Engineering a photovoltaic plant or wind farm requires consolidated technical expertise and skills, but that’s not all. A thorough understanding of national legislation and planning directives is critical in order to ensure the project considers potential constraints, satisfies the requests of governing bodies and adheres to local and regional standards in order to guarantee the project’s subsequent authorisation.

BFP preliminary and final designs are developed on the basis of on-site survey results, but also in strict compliance with local technical and legislative standards. What’s more, BFP always considers multiple solutions in terms of both efficiency and cost, working closely with clients to understand their objectives and therefore the best course of action to be taken.

BFP also manages the often arduous authorisation process, liaising with local authorities to ensure the most successful outcomes for clients and deliver ready-to-build projects with as few inconveniences as possible.

Due Diligence

A Due Diligence report involves the analysis and evaluation of Renewable Energy projects in order to determine the technical and/or administrative feasibility of the project.

BFP prepares Due Diligence reports for projects anywhere in the world, following a careful analysis of the project plans and documentation and based on the findings of on-site surveys.

This type of study and assessment is essential for potential investors in order to avoid unpleasant surprises during the later stages of the project’s development.

BFP also prepares Due Diligence reports for plants in operation on behalf of local and international banks and buyers.

PR Assessments

Calculating the Performance Ratio (PR) of a Renewable Energy system is important in order to estimate productivity and subsequently economic earnings.

For wind plants, this process involves the collection of anemometric data and the modelling of the site’s orography (height contours) and roughness, in order to estimate wind values at different points and heights off the ground.

For photovoltaic plants, this process involves the collection of irradiation data, meteorological data, the measure of continuous and alternating currents and the measure of energy at the grid delivery point or at the collection point.

This service offered by BFP is critical to the investment process, not only for the drafting of business plans but also in order to optimise production by determining the most effective layouts, the most suitable technical solutions and the overall feasibility of installing Renewable Energy systems in specific areas or regions, anywhere in the world.

Owner’s Engineering

An owner’s engineer represents the owner of Renewable Energy systems during the engineering, development and construction stages, ensuring all activities are performed in line with legal standards. This is because most owners do not have the necessary engineering expertise and skills needed to monitor projects, thus relying on the owner’s engineer to look after these aspects for them.

BFP offers this service worldwide through a team of specialised engineers. The team is responsible for inspecting project drawings, timelines and other documentation relative to the project’s development. In the event inconsistencies are found, whether legal or design-related, these are then brought to the attention of the owner.

During construction, BFP makes regular site visits to ensure plans are being followed and the right materials are being used. BFP also checks for site safety issues, design issues that may become apparent during construction, and various other matters.

This is an important activity for owners, helping them to save money in the short and long term by ensuring projects conform to specifications and meet regulatory guidelines, while also allowing for future regulatory changes that may create the need for remodelling and various adjustments.

Project Management

Projects are normally managed by a “Project Manager” who coordinates and monitors the various components and entities involved.

BFP has many years of experience in Project Management for large-scale Renewable Energy projects. The service is offered worldwide and is geared towards ensuring compliance with deadlines and contractual obligations, above all ensuring respect for the agreed budget, timeframes and level of quality, thereby guaranteeing client satisfaction.

The role of Project Manager involves efficiently managing resources, monitoring hazards and risks and ensuring suitable preventive measures are adopted, liaising with clients, preparing the relevant paperwork and overseeing documentation produced by the project team, quality checks to ensure compliance with quality standards, summary/closing activities upon the completion of the project.

Direction of works

This role must be carried out by highly qualified engineers and involves the “high-level” supervision of construction activities performed by the General Contractor, in order to guarantee the quality of works and compliance with national standards.

BFP has extensive experience in the role of Director of Works, offering supervisory services in order to ensure that construction works are carried out in compliance with European Health & Safety standards.

BFP offers this service worldwide, ensuring the smooth running of all construction activities and the successful, timely installation of Renewable Energy systems.

Site Management

The Site Manager monitors and directs construction activities in order to guarantee the project’s completion within the agreed timeframe and budget.

BFP offers this service to its clients as a natural follow-on from the design and authorisation procedure, ensuring the high-quality standards defined in the design phase are maintained during construction.

BFP Site Management services include liaison with engineers and clients prior to the commencement of works, the programming of timelines and milestones, liaison with EPC construction teams, the monitoring of works, costs and the timely completion of construction activities in order to ensure eligibility for feed-in tariffs, and finally the preparation and compilation of periodic reports.

Experience in this sector by a highly qualified team of staff makes BFP the ideal partner for Site Management services in both Europe and worldwide.

Health & Safety Coordination

Health & Safety coordination in temporary and mobile sites is intended to minimise risks and promote well-being in construction sites.

European legislation requires the integration of health and safety during both design and construction phases. This is true for both public and private worksites and requires the owner to appoint a competent H&S coordinator in cases where more than one company is working in the same site.

Health and Safety is one of BFP’s strong points, having fulfilled this role for many of its clients in Italy. The service is offered worldwide, taking into account the particularities of national legislation in the country where the construction site is located.

Health & Safety coordinators are responsible for implementing integrated prevention measures during all stages of the project, installing a climate of cooperation between all parties on-site, drawing up a health and safety plan, making suggestions for improved safety conditions, recording H&S events in a logbook, preparing an H&S file to minimise risks during subsequent operations.

Testing & Commissioning

In order to guarantee their investment, developers of Renewable Energy systems need to perform a series of tests to confirm the correct operation of the plant; these tests are essential for both technical and economic reasons.

BFP has all the necessary equipment and qualifications to offer a reliable testing and commissioning service following the construction of renewable energy plants. This includes testing all equipment and system grounding conductors, polarity testing, checks for correct cable identification and connection, voltage tests, system component tests (switchgear, controls, inverters), insulation testing and more.

Thermography and Topographic Survey

To increase quality and speed of plant inspections for a high-quality technical due diligence and an intelligent predictive maintenance, BFP purchased one of the best professional drones on the market, the DJI Matrice 100 equipped with Zenmuse X3 and XT FLIR radiometric camera.

Thanks to the drone technology, BFP is now able to carry out in real time safe and efficient inspections on solar and wind farms, guaranteeing a rapid maintenance scheduling and a higher work safety and efficiency for inspectors.

The efficient drone technology is supported by the acquisition of two important and powerful softwares: Pix4DMapper to generate a 3D map from aerophotogrammic pictures, and Analist 2018 to generate topographic surveys and thermographic reports.

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