Model 231 and Code of Conduct
Legislative Decree no. 231 of 8 June 2001 introduced into Italian law a system in which corporations may have administrative liability for certain unlawful acts committed by directors, managers or employees in the interest or to the benefit of the organization.
BFP Group prevents the perpetration of the unlawful acts set out in the Legislative Decree through the adoption and effective implementation of a specific organizational, management and control model (“the Model”). The Model is based on criteria of good management practice with the aim of establishing a comprehensive system of guiding principles, control activities, operating procedures and other specific supervisory measures to be carried out mainly in a preventive manner and in such a way that it cannot be violated except by fraudulently circumventing its provisions.
The Supervisory Body is responsible for overseeing compliance with the provisions of the Organizational Model, verifying their effectiveness and evaluating the need to update them.
The Model is periodically updated to incorporate organizational and process changes and new types of offenses that may expand the scope of application of Legislative Decree 231/2001.
The Code of Conduct is an integral part and essential element of the Model.
Engineering & Consultancy
Design phase
Feasibility Studies
PR Assessments
Due Diligence
Final Design & Authorisation
Owner’s Engineering
BFP Enerji combines engineering expertise acquired in the European energy market with local bureaucratic knowledge to provide consultancy services, prepare feasibility studies, PR assessments, carry out on-site surveys, draw up technical and administrative due dilgence reports and fast track the design and authorisation process.
Construction phase
Project Management
Direction of Works
Site Management
H&S Coordination
Testing & Commissioning
BFP Energji offers a complete package of on-site services during construction. The physical presence of expert engineers ensures the efficient coordination and constant supervision of construction activities, making sure projects are completed within agreed timeframes and budgets, before final commissioning.
Routine & Corrective Maintenance
Warranty Management
Plant Monitoring & Reporting
Operations Management
Revamping Services
The operation phase is no less important than the design and construction phase. Continuous monitoring is needed to ensure maximum productivity. BFP Enerji works with regional offices to provide timely routine and corrective maintenance services, while managing administrative aspects from its office in Istanbul.
Operation & Maintenance
In a competitive renewable energy market, efficient operations management is essential in order to maximise investor returns.
BFP Enerji offers an Operation & Maintenance service that ensures optimised production, the efficient management of strategies for improved plant output and increased investor returns.
BFP Enerji relies on the support of regional offices in Izmir, Konya, Antalya, Burdur, Denizli and Çanakkale for the ongoing management of plants in operation. This includes regular liaising with public entities, bureaucratic procedures, regular reporting and so on.
BFP Enerji offers an O&M programme that guarantees long-term productivity, the profitability of renewable energy plants and most importantly, investor peace of mind.