BFP at Phoenix Kick-Off Meeting: 12th and 13th September 2019

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Eng. Danilo Pomponio, technical director of BFP, and Eng. Corrado De Santis, technical consultant of BFP, attended the Phoenix kick-off meeting, which was held at Capgemini headquarters in Paris.

PHOENIX is a project of Horizon 2020 funded by the European Commission, which aims at offering a cyber-shield armour to European EPES (Electrical Power and Energy System) infrastructure, enabling cooperative detection of large scale, cyber-human security and privacy incidents and attacks. In this way, it guarantees the continuity of operations and minimizes cascading effects to the infrastructure itself, the environment, citizens and the end-users at reasonable cost.

The meeting was an opportunity for all 25 companies participating in the Phoenix project to introduce themselves, and discuss the technical aspects and the critical points of the various phases, that will last 36 months, starting from 1st September 2019.

Eng. Pomponio said: “We are proud to be part of this project, contributing as experts in the field of computer engineering”.

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