3rd October 2012 – Pollutec Maroc opens its doors at the Fiore Internationale de Casablanca

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BFP exhibits for the first time at Pollutec Maroc as part of an Italian delegation organized by ICE Casablanca.
BFP’s participation in the event represents the first step in launching the BFP group’s new local company in the Maghreb, “Studio Tecnico BFP Maghreb SARL” constituted with the aim of consolidating their international presence in the emerging African market.

In Morocco, Pollutec represents the most anticipated annual event for the waste/recycling, environmental, air and water technology and renewable energy sectors. Morocco, with over 30 million inhabitants constitutes a particularly interesting market with significant potential also for associated markets, thanks to existing free trading agreements in place for consumer and instrumental goods.

The event was inaugurated on 3rd October, enjoying much success and participation by local and international entities and visitors.



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