20th July 2012 – BFP enters the renewable energy market in Turkey
From 28th to 30th June, BFP participated in the 2nd edition of the IRENEC conference (International 100% Renewable Energy Conference and Exhibition) in Istanbul at the Türkan Saylan Cultural Center in Maltepe.
The annual conference was organised by EUROSOLAR Turkey, the Turkish arm of the European Association for Renewable Energies, with the aim of establishing an international platform from which to discuss the technical, economical and political aspects of a 100% transmission to Renewable Energy, as well as to discuss the ways in which this objective can be achieved in manufacturing, architectural and transport sectors, as well as in local communities.
The conference represented an important opportunity for an exchange of ideas amongst stakeholders in relation to the development of the renewable energy market in Turkey, which BFP is currently closely watching.
The BFP group is in fact already in close collaboration with various local Turkish businesses regarding opportunities for the design and development of new energy infrastructure powered by renewable sources.
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