10/06/2020: BFP Service Srl will hold a Webinar relating to “The impact of Covid-19 on the solar energy production in the Italian market” (June 10th, 2020 – from 11:00 to 12:30).

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Webinar of Annarita Mitola (BFP Service Srl) and Giorgio Inforzato (Meteocontrol Italia Srl).


Annarita Mitola, CEO of BFP Service Srl and member of Italia Solare, will hold the Webinar relating to “THE IMPACT OF COVID-19 ON THE PRODUCTION OF SOLAR ENERGY IN THE ITALIAN MARKET”.

The main topics of the workshop will be the following: the impact of Covid-19 in the photovoltaic sector with a focus on the various drivers that are affecting the development of new plants, and with a special focus on the management and maintenance of the installed plants: what has changed and what are the short and medium-term future expectations.


Annarita Mitola (CEO of BFP Service Srl and member of Italia Solare)

Giorgio Inforzato (Sales Manager of Meteocontrol Italia Srl)

To participate, please sign up there: https://mailchi.mp/meteocontrol.com/registrazione-al-webinar


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